Whenever somebody decides to move, it's important for me to understand their buying and selling priorities, so that I can be sure to maximize their desired outcomes. When my family decided to move out of Reston, many years ago, my husband's number one location priority was that he had to have easy access to the W&OD Trail in Loudoun County. As a cyclist, it is one of his favorite things about living around here!
His second favorite thing to do is to eat and drink at the establishments along the trail on his bike!!!
Part 1 of this series (this video) heads WEST on the W&OD trail in Loudoun County out of Leesburg to Purcellville where we stuff ourselves with baked goods, BBQ, burgers and ice cream! When you burn all those calories on the bike, you get to reward yourself (though we may have overindulged a bit on this one!)
Part 2 of the series will head EAST for more BBQ & Beers followed by a Harrison Street Happy Hour in Leesburg!
Starting in downtown Leesburg is a great place to start because if you need anything, you have a few cycling shops nearby.
Once you get started heading west, it's all up hill the first 2.5 miles. So, don't kill yourself getting out of Leesburg! Just take it nice and easy and enjoy the views as you slowly pedal your way to the top of the ridge line!

It's about 10 miles to Purcellville and once you get there, don't hesitate to treat yourself! Pastries? Sweet Rose is literally right in front of you! Jump to the 1:30 mark for the sweets!
Barbeque? Go about a hundred yards to your right to Monk's BBQ! Check out the smokers at the 2:10 mark in the video! And if you are interested in an adult beverage they have one of the most extensive bourbon bars in Loudoun!
Makes for an "interesting" ride home too! Please don't carbo load too much at Monk's!!!
The majority of the ride home is downhill, so that makes it a little easier at least!

You've also got Magnolia's on the Mill which is known for it's fine dining, but they also have an outdoor Patio and you can just walk in wearing your bike shorts and jersey and nobody will think twice about your attire.
If you're ready for more, be sure to check out Part 2 of our culinary adventures heading east to one of our favorite breweries along the trail!
Be sure to check out my other posts highlighting great activities, events and things to do in Loudoun County here:
And for the latest and great video entries, be sure to subscribe and checkout my Youtube page here:
And if you're on Facebook, you'll find all this and much more on my Facebook page!
And, as always, if you are thinking of making a move, give me a call! I'd love to put all my knowledge, resources & energy to work for you!